教師 林德玲 單元類別 商用英文
單元名稱 Confirmation 單元目標 1.Able to read the business document of a sales contract
2.Familiar with legal and business terms used in sales contracts
3.Able to show comprehension of the text through translation to Chinese
適合教室 電腦教室 適合程度 中級進階
需要教材 Teaching Materials:
Teaching materials cover the following subjects:
1.Sales Channels
2.License Agreement
3.Glossary List
4.Translation Samples
5.Letter Samples: Textbook p. 93-106
6.Glossary List
These materials can be retrieved from the website under Business English.
需要器材 Needed Equipment:
CompuNet facility is needed to help students preview and review the contents of the new chapter. Students may search the relevant materials at the Business English Website which will link to the function buttons of 1) Materials, 2) Assignments which is subdivided into 1) Homework Guideline, 2) Student Works, and 3) Test. To study the language and legal term, use Materials. To understand the instructor’s requirements and regulations of the new assignment, read Guideline. To learn from classmates, read samples of Student Works. To understand how to prepare the written exam, read Test instructions. Students are also encouraged to use discussion board for brainstorming and/or internalizing the newly learned terms and concepts through discussion
課前準備 To prepare participating in classroom lecture and discussion, please do the following work:
1.Go over glossary list on website.
2.Go over sales contract and letter samples on website.
3.Underline or mark unfamiliar terms, concepts, language, etc on printed materials.
單元 / 活動進行步驟