新年 Chinese New Year

    起源 Origin  習俗Customs  字彙 Glossary  圖片 Pictures       



                   1. 起源 Origin

                                                                                          Film of the origin


              2.  習俗 Customs

                  新年是由農曆正月初一到初五,而在                        Chinese New Year is the first to fifth days of

              這五天中各有不同的習俗。                                           the Lunar month and there are different customs

                                                                                                         in these days.


                          初一                                                                               The 1st day of the Chinese New Year

                      對中國人來說,孝道是非常重要的,所以                   Filial piety is very important for the Chinese so

              在新年的第一天就有祭祖的活動。首先先燃放            the activity of ancestor worship is on the first day of

              鞭炮,然後在神以及祖先牌位前供上冬瓜糖等           Chinese New Year. First, one person set off firecrackers

              糖果,接著全家燒金紙來祭拜。                                   and put some winter melon candy and other confection

                                                                                                         before the gods and ancestral tablet. Then, the whole

                                                                                                          family  worship the gods and ancestors by burning

                                                                                                          paper money.


                     初二                                                                              The 2nd day of the Chinese New Year

                         初二是出嫁的女兒回娘家的日子。傳說                    On the 2nd day of the Chinese New Year, married  

                  如果在初一的時候回娘家會使娘家變窮,所           return to their natal home to visit family traditionally.

                  以初二才是回娘家的日子。                                       It is believed that if married women return home on the

                                                                                                         1st day of the Chinese New Year, poverty will strike the

                                                                                    family. Thus, the 2nd day of the Chinese New Year is the

                                                                                    time for married women to return their natal home.


                      初三                                                                The 3rd day of the Chinese New Year

                     初三這一天人們會因連日來的勞累,藉                    This day is a good time for people to take a rest to

                   著這一日來補足睡眠。所以這一天也是中國           make up for the exhausting days of work. Thus, this day 

                   故事裡老鼠娶親的日子。                                           is the day for the mice to marry each other in Chinese legends.



                    初四                                                                       The 4th day of the Chinese New Year

                      初四這一日是天上的諸神回返人間的日子。               This day is the time for the gods to return to the living

                    在下午四點後,家家戶戶供上牲禮、水果。然          world. After 4 p.m., families will welcome the coming of

                    焚香、燒金並燃放鞭炮來迎接神的到來。              gods by preparing offerings of fruits and delicacies and

                                                                                                              setting off firecrackers.


                         初五                                                                     The 5th day of the Chinese New Year

                           初五這一天是開工的日子,而新年時熱                       On this day, people prepare to go back to work and

                   鬧的氣氛到初五這一日也會告一個段落。                    the bustle of the Chinese New Year ends on this day.


                       3. 字彙  Glossary

                     農曆 the Lunar calendar -- the calendar used by the Chinese

                     鞭炮 firecracker -- small firework which explodes with a cracking noise              

                               祭祖  ancestor worship  -- This activity is to show the filial piety of the Chinese.

                         回娘家 return one's natal home -- This is the custom on the 2nd day of the Chinese New

                                                                          year for the married women to visit their natal family.


                    4. 照片 Pictures


                                             Setting off the firecrackers                                              ancestor worship

                        ( http://www.msvorc.com/msv/members/m140202.htm )      ( www.cdps.phc.edu.tw/ town/c2/c2_3.htm)
