Health¡şLesson Plans

In the telephone conversation, The Receptionist and the Patient, a woman is calling her doctor¡¦s office to make an appointment.

I. Speaking:
1. Play the recorded conversation, more than once if necessary, for students to listen to.
2.Pair up the students.
3.Give each pair of students a Worksheet 1A , where only Speaker A¡¦s lines are shown. Have the two students in each pair work together to say Speaker B¡¦s lines.
4.After that, give each pair a Worksheet 1B, where only Speaker B¡¦s lines are shown. Have the students work together to speak for Speaker A.
5.Have the two students in each pair practice the conversation. They should take turns playing both parts. It is OK if they need to look at their worksheets every few seconds.

II. Listening:
1. Play the recorded conversation, more than once if necessary, for students to listen to.
2.(Optional) If the vocabulary lists are available to the students, ask students to point to the words they hear in the conversation. Explain the meaning if necessary.
3.Give the students Worksheet 2, which has several sentences or phrases listed.
4.Play the recording again. Students are asked to write numbers to the left of those sentences or phrases in the order they hear them. Pause for a few seconds after each sentence or phrase so students have enough time to work.
5.Play the recording again and have students check their work.