輔仁大學英文系中高級英語文(非同步遠距)課程課表                                                                      Advanced & Intermediate English Distance Learning(最後更新︰2004/922)
*藍色欄位顯示每門課程活動的可能時段,不是每週的課程表﹔黃色欄位是每門課到校時間.詳細日程請見工作表2: calendar (暫定).  The schedule in column 1 (blue) is NOT a weekly schedule.  Rather, it shows the days  of the week when different teaching activities may fall.    The actual meeting days are listed in column two (yellow).  Please look at p. 2: calendar for a tentative detailed day-to-day schedule.  
 (AIEDL): Schedule   Mon Tues Wed Thursday Fri Sat meetings mid-term final 
I. 語言 Language                    
    AIEDL 1A-1: Expository Writing 09:10-12:00            
2:40 - 5:30 office hours           9月27日 11月22日 1月24日
6:10 - 9:00                  
     Writing: 11/22 midterm; 1/24 final; class meeting: 9/27;  office hours: Monday 3:00-5:00pm
AIEDL 1A-2: English Reading: Popular Culture 09:00-12:00           office hours
1:40 - 4:30             10/2; 10/30; 12/25 11月27日 1月29日
6:10 - 9:00                  
    Reading:  class meeting (including exams):9:00-12:00 am; 10/2 (wk 1), 10/30 (wk 5), 11/27 (wk 9), 12/25 (wk 13), 1/29 (wk 18); office hours: Monday mornings
IB. 應用英語 Pragmatic English                    
    AIEDL 1B-3:                  Business English 09:00-12:00             10月2日 11/20, 11/27 1/22, 1/29
1:40 - 4:30                  
6:10 - 9:00 office hours                
  Business Eng: class meeting (inculding evaluations): 10/2 (wk 1), 11/20,  (wk 8),  11/27 (wk 9),  1/22 (wk 17),  1/29  (wk 18) Office hours: Monday evenings 
II. 文學 Literature:                    
AIEDL 2B-1:      Literary Criticism: Love, Desire and Class 09:00-12:00                  
1:40 - 4:30                  
6:10 - 9:00         office hours    10/1, 11/26, 12/24, 1/28    
midterm: 11/19; final: 1/21; group report: 11/26, 12/24, 1/28; office hours: Friday evenings
III. 英語、教學 TEFL & Education:                    
AIEDL 3A-1: Current Trends in American Higher Education 09:00-12:00              10/19; 10/30; 11/23;1/4    
1:40 - 4:30              
6:10 - 9:00   office hours         11月16日 1月11日
  midterm: 11/30; final: 1/25; group report: 10/19; 11/9; 11/23;1/4; office hours: Friday evenings