About the Course



::: Course Description 課程目標 :::

This course aims to help students develop critical reading and thinking abilities, and, in addition, articulate personal opinions through speaking and conversation exercises. The reading texts and conversation topics will invite students to consider many interesting questions regarding popular cultural issues.




::: Grading and Requirements 評量及作業 :::

1.      10 Critical Reading Responses 十份閱讀心得: 30%

After reading an article, it is compulsory to post at least one response on line.  The minimum length of each response is 50 words.  Your response should demonstrate your understanding of the reading text and express personal opinions.  The responses will be reviewed by the teacher or the teaching assistant regularly.




2.      Mid-term Evaluation 期中評量: 30%

-         5-minute presentation (pair talk or role play/topic will be announced)

-         A written test (vocabulary and essay questions of reading text 1-4)


3.      Final Evaluation 期末評量: 40%

-         (Audio or video) Recording of 10-minutes oral presentation (pair talk or role play/ topic will be announced)


-         A written test (vocabulary and essay questions of reading text 5-8)