Lesson 4 Love:

Donne, Suckling, and Behn

Part I: John Donne's "The Flea"

Pre-reading question:

1) What is the major conceit of the poem?
2) What are some of the things Donne likens the flea to?
3) Vocabulary: What is a maidenhead (line 6)?
4) Vocabulary: What are some meanings of pampered (line 8)? Do deeper meanings give this line more depth? You might want to check the OED on this one.
5) Vocabulary: cloistered, jet (line 14).

Post-reading questions:

1) The poem is almost a dramatic monologue. To whom is the poem addressed? Briefly sketch out the action of the poem. Who is doing what?
2) How does Donne build his argument?
3) The final triplet of the poem reverses the argument that Donne has been building through all the preceding lines. What effect does that have on the poem?

Part II: John Suckling's "Out Upon It!"

Pre-reading question:

1) How does Suckling use irony in this poem?
2) How does personification add charm to the poem?

Post-reading questions:

1) In the end, Suckling compliments his mistress. How?
2) What kind of image of himself does Suckling create with this poem? Why?

Part III: Aphra Behn's "On Her Loving Two Equally"'

Pre-reading question:

1) Who are Damon and Alexis?
2) Who is the "mighty winged god" in line 13?
3) What is the "gold-pointed dart" in line 15?

Post-reading questions:

1) What is the tone of the poem? What clues help you make this decision?
2) What is the attitude of the speaker?
3) Does she truly seem upset at her dilemma? Why or why not?

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