Sample Materials 示範教材

Susan Douglas本身是一位大眾傳播科系的教授,她深知像連續劇、卡通甚至是芭比娃娃的廣告都大有問題,給予小孩子許多錯誤的觀念。但是她發現她的生活中還是無法不仰賴電視,因為她的女兒看電視的時候她可以趕緊做完家事。由此引發她在這篇文章中對於自身的處境進行一些反省。她的立場與另外一篇David Nyhan所寫的“Turn Off TV Before It Ruins Us” 非常不同。她認為電視已經是這個時代無法逃避的現實,禁絕兒童看電視絕非是唯一或可行的處理電視問題的做法。你不妨看看在文章中她提供了什麼樣的解決之道。
這篇文章是摘自The Contemporary Reader 第六版(原文最早是刊登在Utne Reader 這本雜誌上,此處節錄五段文章內容並提供講解)(網址:。
Mommy, Mommy, come here now! Hurry, you’re gonna miss it. It's Barbie's High-Steppin' Pony, and its legs really move! Hurreeeeey!” 1
"No!" I bark, as I'm wiping the dog barf up from the carpet, stirring the onions again so they don't burn, and slamming the phone down on a caller from Citibank who wants to know how I'm doin' today. It is 5:56 p.m., and I'm in no mood. "I don’t come for commercials, and besides, the horse doesn't really move- they just make it look that way." 2
"Oh yeah?" demands my daughter, sounding like a federal prosecutor. "It can too. It's not like those old ones where you told me they faked it- this one really does move." 3
So now I have to go see and, indeed, the sucker takes batteries, and the stupid horse moves-sort of. "See, Mommy, the commercials don't always lie." 4
Moments like this prompt me to wonder whether I'm a weak-kneed, lazy slug or, dare I say it, a hypocrite. See, I teach media studies, and, even worse, I go around the country lecturing about the importance of media literacy. One of my talking points is how network children’s programming is, ideologically, a toxic waste dump. Yet here I am, just like millions of parents during that portion of the day rightly known as hell hour-dinnertime-shoving my kid in front of Nickelodeon so my husband and I can get dinner on the table while we whisper sweet nothings like "It's your turn to take her to Brownies tomorrow" and "Oh, shit, I forgot to tell you that your mother called three days ago with an urgent message." 5
  • 文句注釋
    1. Barbie's High-Steppin' Pony
    芭比娃娃的高腳小馬(馬腳抬得很高) Return
    2. Hurreeeeey
    表示 Hurry 的聲音拉得很長 Return
    3. dog barf
    狗嘔吐的東西 Return
    4. a caller from Citibank
    花旗銀行的來電者(推銷的) Return
    5. I don't come for commercials
    我不會來看廣告的 Return
    6. federal prosecutor
    聯邦檢察官 Return
    7. It can too.
    (一種小孩子間或是比較俏皮的頂嘴的說法)它會(動)! Return
    8. the sucker takes batteries
    這個討厭的傢伙竟然需要電池 Return
    9. prompt me to wonder
    激發我去思考 Return
    10. a weak-kneed, lazy slug
    一個懦弱的懶惰鬼(slug指懶蟲) Return
    11. ideologically
    意識形態上 Return
    12. that portion of the day rightly known as hell hour-dinnertime
    一天的那個很正確被稱作地獄時間的晚餐時刻 Return
    13. Nickelodeon
    美國一個專門放映卡通影片跟老片的電影台 Return
    14. pop in
    突然進來 Return
    15. ridicule Kool-Aid commercials
    嘲笑Kool-Aid (cool aid)這個產品的廣告 Return
    16. Clarissa Explains It All
    美國一個影集的名稱 Return
    17. so dopey
    那麼笨(dope 是笨蛋) Return
    18. its lies and banalities
    電視的謊言跟無聊 Return
    19. rationalizing this approach
    合理化這種做法 Return
    20. Barbie is the anti-Christ
    芭比娃娃是反基督(意指與基督教宣揚的信念唱反調) Return
    21. grotty lunch boxes
    油膩膩的便當盒 Return
    22. zap leftovers
    把剩菜裝進可以密封的塑膠袋裡封起來 Return
    23. up front
    事先 Return
    24. media proofed
    隔絕媒體入侵的(防媒體的) Return
    25. virtuous, haloed parents
    道德高尚,頭上有聖潔光環的父母 Return
    26. give up ER
    放棄《急診室的春天》(ER 是急診室的簡稱Emergency Room) Return
    27. cultural literacy
    文化認知能力(literacy 是識字率) Return
    28. tie her to her friends
    讓她跟朋友有好的關係 Return
    29. basic bullshit-detecting techniques
    發現(電視)胡說八道的基本技巧 Return
    30. simple act of intervening
    介入(防止孩子受電視負面影響)的簡單動作 Return
    31. distance themselves from some of the box’s more repugnant imagery
    讓他們跟電視那些更令人厭惡的影像保持一定的距離(不會被影響) Return
    32. quick surgical strike
    快速、明快地(如外科手術般的)出擊 Return
    33. makeup kits
    化妝品玩具組 Return
    34. little Johnny Exocet missiles
    小強尼玩具飛魚導彈(Exocet是一種飛彈的名稱,由這家公司所生產,譯名應該是飛魚) Return
    35. Real life dads
    真實生活中的父親 Return
    36. parents in shows geared to kids
    在一些節目裡為孩子所設計出來的父母 Return
    37. Lassie
    靈犬萊西(一個早期電視影集裡非常受歡迎的狗) Return
    38. kitchen timer
    廚房的計時器 Return
    39. permeate our culture
    已經滲透到我們的文化中 Return
    40. quarantine our kids
    隔離我們的孩子 Return
    41. inoculate them