About the Course


·        有計畫、按步就班地構思和寫作;

·        有信心用英文寫作表達自己;

·        用多種論說文體例寫作;

·        經由修正改寫過程改進寫作。



1.      請務必準時交作業︰1. As this is an on-line class, completing the assigned work on time is mandatory for success. This is excellent preparation for "the real world". Therefore, if you fall behind for any reason, contact me immediately. We can work things out, but not after the fact.


2.      不得抄襲!Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another person without acknowledging your source.  Please respect your sources, your audience and yourself and don’t fall into this trap (I am a stickler for this).  If I catch a student cheating or committing plagiarism, you will fail the course and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline.  This includes copying other’s homework.



1.      線上教材不可忽略︰1. In the past, I've noticed that students have tried to do the homework without looking at the materials I've posted (PPT, video, readings) in order to "save time". Not a good idea and truly false economy. These materials are part of your "class time" so taking the class without watching them is like not taking the class at all.


2.      投入時間跟上進度:2. Give yourself plenty of time each week for the materials. The course is a two-credit course, so it's expected you spend two hours of "class time" and at least two hours (up to four hours) of "homework" time. If you need more than six hours a week for the class per week, please let me know. I need to track these things.


3. 輕鬆以對享受學習:3. Relax and enjoy the experience. Improving writing is hard, especially in a foreign language. But you will learn more relaxed than nervous and stressed! I don't bite!


4. 踴躍參與熱情表達:4. Participate! The more you join in on the discussions, the more you'll feel like a part of the class. And this means filling out the "ice breaker" the first week!


5. 保持聯繫勇於發問:5. If you have any, ANY, ANY QUESTIONS please feel free to ask-e-mail me, chat with me, ask Charity, your TA. Don't be afraid! I've worked with Charity for many years, and I know she's smart, a computer whiz and a really nice person to boot. Neither of us will bite you.