Q: 提名某人競選某種活動, 怎麼說呢?

A: 在開會選舉當中, 若要提名誰的話, 在美語裡是nominate 這個
字, 所以你想說的話就是:

I would like to nominate Mr. John Smith. 
另外, 在開會當中的「提議」是用motion這個字,所以若你贊成會中他人所提出的意見, 你就可以這樣說:
I second the motion. 我附議.
Q: Stingy小氣鬼怎麼說?
A: 莎莉很希望哈利能在結婚週年時買個鑽戒給她, 但她查覺哈利並無
     此意時, 她想說: 小氣鬼! 我都這樣說:
Be generous!
小氣鬼在咱們中國就有很多罵法了, 例如守財奴, 吝嗇鬼, 小家子氣等等, 當然西方也不差, 說法也不比我們少, cheapskate, miser, stingy, hoarder, tightfisted都是指人小氣, 吝嗇的意思:
Don't be such a cheapskate!  別當個小氣鬼!
He was mean not to give her a tip. 他真小氣, 不給她小費.
He's so stingy!  他真是小氣得可以.
She discovered she had married a miser.

You can't *squeeze blood out of a stone.

He is a hoarder. 他是個守財奴.
Why are you always so tightfisted? 你為何老抓著錢不放?
*squeeze blood out of a stone
從石頭中榨出血來, 這是絕不可能的事,
Q: CollegeUniversity都被翻譯為"大學" ,請問這兩個單字有沒有差別?
A: Basically, college 是指學院例如College of Law and Business,
     College of Fine Arts, College of Science and Engineering, College
     of Human Ecology,
University 通常必須由四個以上學院組成. 因為這樣知識的傳授
. 大學涵蓋自然科學, 現代科技, 人文科學, 音樂藝術文化,
: 法律, 現代企業管理, 甚至有的大學會有醫學院
博物館學(museum study), 人類學 (anthropology) , 考古學 (archaeology) , 所傳授知識範疇更豐富更深入. 在日常生活中
CollegeUniversity 交換著用. 譬如說輔大外文 學
,在 這種情況下college student university student 都是
, college student university
在於講話時, 妳要強調學院或大學. 但在美國有一種 2-year
Community college
community college 的教學方向偏重就業取向. 大學在人才培養方面比較偏重現代專業人員 urban professionals, 社會領袖及菁英(leaders and elites).
另外大學的設備(facilities)比較完善, 例如amphitheater(露天劇場), planetarium (天文台), art gallery (美術館), music hall (音樂廳), gym (體育館; 健身房), stadium (球場), track and field (田徑場); 所提供的服務項目也較多元化 (services of diversity), 例如大學書房(bookstore)或出版社(university press), 多媒體資源中心(learning resource center), 殘障同學服務 (disabled students center), 課業輔導 (academic counseling), 心理輔導 (Student Counseling) , 就業輔導 (Career Placement) 等等.
大學也提供研究所課(graduate school)並受予高等學位: 學士 (bachelor degree), 碩士 (master degree), 及博士(doctoral degree).
Q: "翹課"的說法喜歡拍教授馬屁的同學是不是叫 "PET STUDENT"?
A: 翹課的說法是skip class:  not to attend a class in school. 在校園裡
Let’ skip class to watch the baseball game between Taiwan
    and Japanese Teams.
If students want to make progress in their study, they should
skip classes.
Skipping classes makes small progress in study. 
Skipping classes cannot make obvious progress in study. Skipping classes delay progress in study.
注意如果skip class 意思是翹一門課;  skip classes意思是翹許多門課. 然而比較正常的狀況是因病( sick leave), 因公 (official leave),  因重大事件 : wedding,  funeral 而不能到校上課, 因此我們通常用absence, 例如:
Ma’am, I’ll be absent next week because I’ll be in my sister’s
Sir, this is my health insurance card. I was absent last week
    because I got a flue.
Ma’am, I am the member of the school’s badminton team. We’ll
    have a game in Taichung. Sorry I can’t come next week. This is
    the permission slip from theadministration office
當然absence的相對詞是attendance (n.), attend (v.). 另外有時用off來表示不上班, 例如I’m off today.
Pet student 是老師鍾愛(寵愛)的學生有如寵物一般. 通常帶有戲謔的語氣(sarcastic), 因為學生太受寵了: The student is pampered. Students are so pampered that they are spoiled.
至於拍教授的馬屁, 最簡單的說法就是Sabrina pleases Prof. Chen a lot. 但這也許不夠狠, 所以妳就說Sabrina flatters Prof. Chen too much.  She is her pet student. 但以專業的眼光判斷, 學生之會為老師所喜歡, 大多數是兩者在智慧,知識,判斷能力上比較趨於一致(agreement),  也就是比較有共識(consensus), 倒不是拍馬屁的功夫.  Professors are not that kind of easy to be flattered since majority of them know very well what’s going on in the academic community. When some students in class turn out to be their favorites,  that is because they feel it is easier to reach consensus with these students in terms of knowledge, intelligence, and judgment on crucial issues. 倒是有一個俚語, 美國學生常用的: cream student or cream of society, 是指校園裡的優質學生常拿書卷獎 (honor roll), 深受老師學生的喜愛.