Q: 我想請問有關園藝方面用詞以及專有名詞.

A: Gardening is a very broad subject which covers many issues like
     growing, watering, soil, seedling, biology, horticulture, health and
     medicine. It is unlikely to finish all these issues in this small space.
     However, I’d like to show you an article containing useful knowledge
     about a kind of flower. The article is withdrawn via the google search
     engine which lists various useful websites about gardening. Anytime
     when you have a particular idea in mind, go to these sites to read for
     your interests.
How to grow Echinacea (Coneflowers): 除蟲菊
These big, bold daisies from the American prairies add attractiveness to the back of a back yard. They make large flowering clumps from midsummer to early autumn, and are a magnet to bees and butterflies.The central cone or flower-head of the echinacea is actually composed of hundreds of tiny individual flowers. Native Americans used the plant particularly for snake bites and stings. Research indicates it's also effective for healing wounds and reducing inflammation.After flowering, the blooms make attractive seed heads which can be left over winter to feed the birds. Their long-lived flowers are excellent for cutting.
Growing tips
Echinacea plants need full sun. While good, fertile loam (黑土) is ideal, any decent soil is OK. Otherwise, they need very little care and, being sturdy, no staking(不須任何支撐物).  Plants can be propagated (繁殖) through division (藉著接枝的方式繁殖), by taking cuttings of young shoots(嫩芽) in spring, or by sowing seed.
Problem solver
Coneflowers are long-lived and resistant to pests and diseases, but older plants can die for no apparent reason. Occasionally take cuttings as a precaution. (接枝時要小心.) Dried Echinacea petals can be used as herbal remedies (養生藥材; 草藥療法). But observe the advices by doctor when taking these herbal remedies as they are essential for health and medication purposes:
Herbs should be purchased in clearly labeled containers from
    reputable suppliers.
When purchasing, always check for the percentage active
    ingredient on the labels. If there isn't any listed, the
    supplement is not likely to be effective.
. 如果沒有標示, 則該養生藥材可能不會見效.
Look for the words, 'standardized extract' on the label which
   guarantees the potency of the active ingredients in the herb.

, 來保證該藥材的藥效.
Determine dosage check recommended levels on the product
    and follow them carefully, splitting the dose over the day, or
    consult a practitioner for advice.
用量是否清楚標示, 且要按照
; 每天用量依三餐, 分時段服用, 不清楚向醫生或藥局詢問.
Herbs may be taken before or with food. Check label or ask
   practitioner for advice.
餐前服用或與食物一起服用, 須按照使用說
Herb effects may be altered if combined with prescription
   drugs. Always consult a practitioner for advice if you are
   already taking medication.
如果該養生藥材有添加其他藥劑, 藥效
. 因此服用前, 務必向醫生諮詢.
Many herbs should not be taken while breastfeeding. See the
   Contraindications' section for each herb.
. 詳讀每種草藥可能引起的副作用
Herbs may be taken in the following forms: 養生藥材使用的方式:
Infusion - leaves or flowers are steeped in water to make a
    herbal tea.
茶包: 以茶包方式浸泡葉子或花苞飲用
Decoction - bark, twigs, roots, are simmered or boiled in water.
: 表皮, 枝子, 或根與水煮沸後喝其藥汁
Tincture - the herb is soaked in alcohol and water for a specific
    length of time to give a stronger effect.
藥酒: 藥草與酒精加水一
Extracts - parts of the herb are dried and powdered, or oils
   extracted, and made into tablets or capsules.
膠囊: 藥草曬乾後
Creams or ointments - the herbs are combined with oils, fats
   and water heated with the herbs to form a cream or ointment
   once cooled.
藥膏: 藥草混合植物油或脂肪與水, 加熱冷卻後製成藥
, 塗抹在皮膚上.
Poultices - a mixture of fresh dried or powdered herbs is
   applied directly to a wound, or problem area and used to ease
   pain or draw out pus e.g. with boils.
藥膏貼布: 將新鮮乾燥的藥草
, 作成貼片, 直接貼在傷口或疼痛處, 來減輕痛楚或 
Compress - a cloth is soaked in a water based herbal
    preparation and put on the affected area.
冷熱敷: 將一塊布浸泡
, 再敷蓋在待治療的身體部分.
Oils - the herbs are infused in hot or cold oil over time and then
    poured into bottles for use as massage oils, etc.
乳液: 藥草浸泡
. 按摩身體時, 草藥隨血
Essential oils –may also be extracted from the herbs. 精油: 亦可