Q: 請問在正式場合當司儀之類的那些用語該怎麼說? 例如:雙方師長致
, 會議開始, 還有交換禮物等...

A: 司儀或電視節目主持人一般可以說 program host() hostess
); 例如 Larry KingCNN最有名的時事專欄的host, 在他的節目
, 他對名人作深入專訪.
如果在校內活動, 首先系主任或主席要致詞, 也就是要做簡短的介紹, 司儀會如此宣佈: The hostess announces, “Now the chair Dr. Lee will give a short introduction of Prof. Hwang's speech. Let’s welcome Dr. Lee and  Prof. Hwang.”(致詞 introduce).
另外在學術研討會, 有引介人叫做moderator. A moderator in a conference introduces the speaker's academic background or accomplishment before presentation begins. (引介人致詞).
至於要說會議開始”, 可以說, “ Now the meeting begins. 至於會議結束,  可以說“ Meeting is dismissed” or “Meeting is adjourned until next Monday, ” or simply “Meeting is adjourned. (休會)
交換禮物說, Let’s exchange gifts.”
Q: 去Pub 玩,一些酒類的名稱 如雞尾酒 血腥瑪莉...等等用英文該怎麼
A: On the menu provided at a pub, one can find different kinds of
     beverages including alcoholic drink such as
Scarlet Mary(血腥瑪
)., cocktail, or punch (雞尾酒).  A bar tender is responsible for
     mixing the drink for customers. Alcoholism and drug abuse are the
     two issues which parents, educators, and social workers are
     concerned for teenagers. Unless one is mature enough to discipline
     his or her behavior, people are advised not to abuse them for sake
     of good health.