Q: 第一課的52near-suicidal depression是可以翻成"自殺傾向的低
"?老師那這一句是否可寫成 a circumstance under tending to
更為清楚呢?那在文章裡 是翻的清楚還是不清楚好呢?

A: 從字面的解釋可翻譯成 瀕臨自殺邊緣的燥鬱症”, 指的是
     Christopher Reeve
的燥鬱症, 嚴重到使他多次想自殺了斷. 這個片
至於你要用英語解釋a psychological problem that one tends to commit suicide就可以了.
circumstance根據字典的定義: a fact, occurrence or condition, relating to an act or event, 如此指物理環境, 是可以看見的, 例如一件事或一個行為; 人的內心世界通常用mind psychology. 心理問題就是指我們的情緒出狀況與mind有關, 因此不用circumstance 而用a psychological problem tending to self-suicidal.
Q: 第一課"superman superhero"中的第二段提到come to terms with
     come to term with
face the music這個idiom
A: face the music 是俚語, 所表達的程度較淺come to terms with
     the break up of his parents’ marriage
, 不是一種更深刻的表達嗎?
另一方面comes to terms with的意思是: to come to an agreement or understanding, 是用在正式的場合. 而這篇文章的語體比較嚴謹, 因為畢竟它在詳細報導一位名人的成就與貢獻. 如果妳和Michael Fox Elvis Presley的簡短報導比較, 妳就可以發現後兩者措詞語氣簡單淺顯多了; face the music 固然也是指 to accept the unpleasant consequences 但屬於口語的說法, 在語意上有一種不識愁之味, 卻又強說愁的懵懂. 比較適合用在 Michael Fox Elvis Presley這樣的語體.
Q: If I want to write love letters to my boyfriend or girlfriend, what do I
     suppose to write?  Is there any simile or comparison about the
     feeling-love? because I want to make it different, please answer my
     question. Thanks.
A: If you want to make your love letter different, please read more
     English novels. Then write down the quotes from the books.
     Listening to English love songs also help you to learn expressions of
     love. But the most important of all, use your imagination!