Q: 飛機上坐在我位置上的外國人想跟我換座位, 但我不想我想說: 對不
     起, 我不願和你換座位
因為我想跟我的朋友坐在一起. 要怎麼說?

A: Sorry, I wouldn't change seats with you, because I want to sit  
     together with my friends.
妳說的話大致上沒錯,很棒呀! 在美語中若是要表達「與……坐在一起」會說成to sit with ...to sit with...就已經是「坐在一起」的意思, 所以不需要再加上together這個字. 如果妳身邊的朋友只有一個, 妳也可以用to sit next to...來表達「坐在旁邊」的意思。妳所遇到的情況, 可以這樣說:
Sorry, I can't change seats with you. I want to sit with my
很抱歉,我不能跟你換座位. 我想跟我的朋友們一起坐.
Q:飛機上座位被佔, 例如飛機上的座位應屬於May的, 卻有其他人坐在
    那裡, 想請空姐調整. 此時我想說: 抱歉, 你可以幫我嗎?我的座位
    有人坐了, 可否幫我調整? 如果我這樣說:
Excuse me. Can you  help
    me? G20 is my seat, but someone is already in it. Could you arrange
    for me?
A: Of course妳的說法大致沒錯, 我只做了一點點修改:
Excuse me. Can you help me? G20 is my seat, but someone is already in it. Could you please help me?
Q: 在火車上, 我想告訴他人現在他所坐的座位是我的, 想請他移位. 我想說: 先生, 不好意思, 這個座位是我的. 請你換個位子. 我要怎麼說?
A: 你可以這樣說: Excuse me, I think this is my seat. Could you sit somewhere else? 同時, 當一個座位已經有所屬時, 你可以說:
This seat is taken.  這個座位有人坐。
Excuse me, this seat is taken. Could you please find another seat?
Excuse me, I think this is my seat. Could you sit somewhere else?
若對方堅持那個位子是他的, 你可以請他出示車票對票號:
I'm sorry. Could I see your ticket? 抱歉.我能看一下你的車票嗎?
因為車廂每一節看起來都一樣, 對方有可能走錯車廂了:
It looks like you might be in the wrong car.  看來你走錯車廂了.
但要是自己弄錯了, 就趕緊道歉:
Oh! I'm sorry. I'm mistaken.  真糟! 對不起, 是我弄錯了.
若你們雙方都沒錯, 是劃位時劃到重複座位, 這時你可以提議找「車掌」attendant來解決:
Maybe we should ask the attendant what to do.

找到車掌之後, 可以跟他說:
Sir, there is a problem with the seating. Could you help us?
先生, 那兒的座位有問題. 你能幫助我們嗎?
Q: 雖然現在都是電腦劃位, 但難保電腦不會出錯, 要是登機之後發現重
     複劃位, 此時我要怎麼說
A: 可以找空服員說:
     Excuse me, but both of our tickets have the same seat
     number printed on them.
麻煩一下, 我們兩個的票重複劃位.
Can you help us figure out where we can sit?
除了座位被占, 重複劃位要請人處理, 登機之後才發現座位不理想, 還是可以找空服員商量, 只是這麼做很麻煩別人,你最好想個好理由, 客客氣氣地要求. 比如妳想坐到某人旁邊:
I'm sorry, but my grandmother's seat is three rows down from
對不起, 我祖母的座位在我後面三排
Is there any way I can switch seats to be able to sit next to her?
I'm sorry, but my television set isn't working. Can I change
對不起, 我的電視壞了. 我能換座位嗎?
或是座位太靠近後面的廁所, 人來人往搞得妳心煩意亂:

I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable sitting so far back / so
    close to the toilet.
對不起, 坐這麼後面/靠近廁所讓我很不舒服
The noise gives me a headache.
Are there any empty seats closer to the front of the plane?

妳若是不想勞煩空服員, 而想自己跟別人換座位, 則可以鎖定目標上前:
Is there any way I could switch seats with you?

I'd really like to sit next to my wife. 我很想跟我太太坐在一起
She's pregnant and needs special care.

    她懷孕了, 需要特別照顧。

若是想避免登機之後換座位的麻煩, 建議各位這些話還是劃位之前就先說吧!