


Another way to good communication by body language


      We use a lot of body language in daily activity. The body language includes many cultural and local historical meanings. Some of them have special meanings. For example, when one puts his hand behind the head, it is a sign of awkwardness or embarrassment. When hand waves back and forth in front of the face, it means, "No, thanks." If you are a tourist in Japan and try to ask for directions from someone, that gesture means the person you're talking to doesn't speak English and he cannot answer your question.  The same gesture with your thumb and forefinger shaping an ˇ§Oˇ¨ for "O.K." is also an old way to refer to money. Besides, pointing to one's own nose refers to ˇ§the selfˇ¨ while pounding the chest means ˇ§leave it to me".  Pulling the lower eyelid down and sticking out tongue means the ankabe, the Japanese equivalent of an exclamation, translating loosely to "YAH!" to show surprise.  One may raise the arm and place the other hand on the bicep (shoulder) when he is done before or after a difficult task. Raising the hand is used to refer to someone's wife, girlfriend, or lover.  "V" for victory is the same as in the U.S. However, waving towards someone with palm down is asking someone to ˇ§come hereˇ¨.


      Mankind is wonderful. However, the distance between places is very far. Thus the differences between geographical areas and cultures form a lot of obstacles for communication because people speak different languages. Even though we speak the same language at the same community, very often we express ideas in such a way to make people misunderstand us. Body language helps us express in ways everybody knows. Surprisingly it works well with communication. Moreover, we can appreciate characteristics of different cultures when we are using body language.  

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315 words
