


Japanese Department
ªLʹ¾§ (Ruby),¹ù³·¸ê(Betty),·Å¤ß·ì (Clair)


Body Language Varies from Culture to Culture


    Even though you do not talk, you still keep communicating with others. Why¡H It is because your body language slips your thinking. For example, when we are angry or excited, our pupils will become larger than under normal situation. Though you want to hide you emotion, natural movement will still leak it out.

¡@ According to some studies, more than 90 percent of communication is through unspoken kinesics. Body language contains tone and volume of voice, expression, gesture, posture, stance, even distance or space when people interact. This means it¡¦s also possible for us to send nonverbal messages in addition to verbal ones while communicating. ¡@

Some ways of body language seem to be the same all over the world. We do not have to learn. However, there are much more forms of body language vary from culture to culture, even they are opposite. For instance, when we praise others, we may make a fist and hold up the thumb. But in the Middle East, the Balkan Peninsula, and Australia, this gesture is considered a sexual insult. In addition, we often pose ¡§V gesture¡¨ when taking photographs. ¡§V gesture¡¨ is considered ¡§victory¡¨; it is also symbolic of ¡§peace.¡¨ Nevertheless, never turn the direction, palm towards yourself, because the reverse peace sign is similar to the insulting gesture known as ¡§middle finger gesture.¡¨


According to the studies, people have very specific territories around their bodies. The zones vary from culture to culture. In regions such as North America and the Middle East, average distance of the former is about 60centimeters while the latter is about 20-30 centimeters. Consequently, when North Americans get along with the Middle East people, Americans will likely feel uncomfortable because someone violates his space. On the other hand, the other might feel like very differently because his American friend stands so far away; he is unfriendly.


. Without body language, communication would be boring even hard to keep being proceeded. The importance of body language can not be ignored. Therefore, if you want to improve your communication skills, you must discipline your body language. Then you must be very good at communication. Therefore, when we learn another language, we must learn not only the spoken language, but the body language.

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