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Is It Better to be a Boy or a Girl?

¡@     When growing up everyone knows there are two types of biological human, male and female. Therefore I¡¦m sure there must be a point in life when you wonder, is it better being the opposite sex? Will life be more fun if things were different or will it be easier just being a guy? ¡@
¡@     After all, even in this world where people stress heavily on equal opportunity between the 2 sexes. There are still physical factors that cannot be changed. For example,  guys will always be better at sport because of the physiology of the human body. Being a guy myself, I sometimes think it¡¦s not easy to be a guy. I¡¦m sure many if you here have thought about this before. You all have wondered why it is you who have to carry bags after bags of grocery up the stairs when your sister or the girl next door can just sit there relax. Why do they never have to fall to the same fate of heavy labor? ¡@
¡@     Not only I find this unfair, but also that guys cannot show their emotions naturally. They cannot cry or speak out about their feelings in front of other people and they always have to be tough because this is what the public expect from a guy. In my opinion, I think people should have the same right to reveal their true feelings and to be themselves, instead of being someone what society expects. When you think about the future, you see that you have to take the responsibility of looking after a family and raise a few kids. Why is it the way when you look at today¡¦s society? Why do guys or men have to carry so much responsibility? And on top of all that, I think one of the biggest difficulties about being a guy is that you have to be reliable. When in the case of some unexpected events occurring, most although not all, girls will expect guys to come up with some form of solution to the problem. Above all, when you like a girl, you have to use all your talents, all your charms, your wit and only after so many attempts, she will notice you. Well, I suppose this is what you get if you are guy. ¡@
¡@     On the other hand, to my knowledge, being a girl can be much less stressful. Firstly, they don¡¦t have to take so many responsibilities in many ways. For example, there is less pressure on them to provide for their families where as man are still viewed as the main person to provide money for the family. So compared to men, they have less responsibility. In today¡¦s society people won¡¦t expect girls to be the financial support of the family. Moreover, girls are generally more careful, and caring which makes them less likely of making mistake, and also because they are easy going and gentle, usually they are more easily forgiven, while compare with men, they don¡¦t have these advantages. It¡¦s their responsibility to present a good effort and results. ¡@

    Another advantage is that the law favors women. Statistics shows that if there is a divorce with children involved, 90% of the time the mother will have the children.


    There are also a lot of little things which people may not notice, but I think these make a girl¡¦s life much easier. For example, when a couple is out shopping it is often the case that the guy has to carry all the stuff while the girl can just enjoy themselves. Also when a group of people is out having fun, the girls in the group can always rely on the guys for little things like buying the drinks, which may not sound like a lot but sometimes it is these little things that matters.

¡@     People often say life is short, and to guys it is even more true as half of their life has to be spent on working, whereas for girls this is not necessary the case. While guys have to work all their life, it is possible for girls to marry a guy with lots of money and enjoy the life. Therefore I would like to say that I find life is much easier being a girl, although this is only one view of mine without having any experience of being a girl. ¡@
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Word Count: 738



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