


Stress of Life


      Stress is becoming a more and more serious problem in todayˇ¦s life. And the problem ranges from adult to children. For example, adults may have trouble in working, economy, family, human relationship. Meanwhile, children are worried about their homework, allowance, friend, talent, appearance, and so on.


      Adult work all day in order to earn enough money so that he or she can buy a house living a comfortable life. They have to pay school fees for their children. Besides of money, work is another stress, too. He or she should have a good relationship between the boss and the fellow workers. So they need to develop interaction with people who work together. They can not have hot- tempers while they are working. As the result, health may have some serious problems, such as headache, anxiety, abdominal pain and insomnia. The worst is that they may commit suicide. According to these incidents, stress takes really effect in our life.


      Moreover, children also feel pressure in their process of growing. One of teenagersˇ¦ problems is about their homework. All parents want their kids to become the top one so that their life can be more safeguard and better quality. Therefore, children must perceive high expectations from their parents. Those kids must feel an invisible pressure. What is more, friendship between young people and their appearance are other reasons to cause stress. Friends are very important for teenagers. So they think highly of the relationship with classmates and friends. If someone does not get along well with his or her classmates and friends, it must make them worried. Some may feel their appearance is not attractive so they may lose opportunity to make friends. Not only adult look upon their appearance but also kids are the same. Most of us like to make friends who have good- looking appearance; therefore, the people who do not have good- looking will feel very inferior. So this reason let people under huge stress.


      In order to decrease the number of people who commit suicide, the way to solve the stress is becoming very important. First, you should do exercise twice a week, so that you will have a healthy life. Second, when you feel disappointed, you can chat with your friends and your family who will comfort you, so you will feel better. Third, if you suffer from melancholic mood, the best way to solve is to see a doctor. Do not stay in your room all day. The last but not the least, if stress can be handled in positive way, it not only improves our capability but also let us grow mature, so we should learn how to handle it, and live with it.


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