
School Life 1

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Neil:    Hey, Miller!  What¡¦s up?  You don¡¦t look very well.



Miller: I can¡¦t find the classroom of my next class, and I don¡¦t want to skip class
  this morning.



Neil:    Maybe you can check the campus map or ask somebody around here.



Miller: Wait a moment.  Yes, I know where the classroom is.  But I still have
  some questions about my college life.



Neil:    Let¡¦s talk later.  I will be in the library this afternoon.



Miller: Ok. See you later.



After the class was dismissed



Miller: Hey. There you are, Neil I am looking for you.  Who is your friend?



Neil:    He is my classmate in Computer Science and Information Engineering. 
     Hill this is Miller.



Hill:     Hello, I am glad to see you, Miller.



Miller: Me too.



Neil:    Hill, Miller is my friend when we met in Freshman Orientation.  Miller, you
     said you have some questions about college life.  So Miller, let¡¦s talk
     about what are your problems.



Miller: Yes, I don¡¦t know where I can use the college facilities and services, and
     where I can get some information, which I am interested in?



Hill:     I don¡¦t understand your problems clearly.  But sometimes you must learn
     how to use the college facilities and services, and keep the campus map
     in mind to know your whereabouts.  If you want to use the computer,
     you must take your student identity card to the computer information
     center.  It¡¦s important to bring your student identity card when you
     want to use the college facilities and services.



Neil:   That¡¦s true. With a view to making it convenient in your college life, you
     had better bring your student identity card such as in library, AV centers,
     and gyms.



Alex:   Hey guys.  What are you talking about?  Is anything interesting?



Neil:   Just something about your college life in four years.



Alex:  Do you know the college have a lot of meaningful activities, and you can
    take part in them. Furthermore, you can choose one or more of the
    school¡¦s extracurricular activities you are interested in.  But the most
    difficult thing is the question: how to make great use of your time.



Miller: I agree with it.  When I have free time, I don¡¦t know what I can do, and
     I don¡¦t know what¡¦s happened with the college.



Hill:     You can go to seek advice from the Administration Staff or your senior



Neil:    I have a question.  If I join a lot of extracurricular activities, I can¡¦t look
     after both sides of my recreation and my schoolwork.  What¡¦s the best 
     way that I have to do?



Alex:  A student should put more emphasis on his schoolwork than
    extracurricular activities.  But the extracurricular activities also pay an
    important role in your college life for four years.  The university is
    different from the senior high school.  And with an eye to being a
    freshman, you have to make some change about your habits and
    attitude.  In other words, you must learn how to control yourself and try
    to make it a rule to study independently.



Hill:     I am interested in joining extracurricular activities.  Maybe someone has
     his or her way to strike a balance on schoolwork and school activities.



Miller: Is any extracurricular activity suitable to me?



Neil:   Yes, anyone can find his or her favorite extracurricular activities.  But
     just like Alex said that you have to make great use of your time for four



Alex:  Yes right.  Most important of all, begin to plan your college life for four
     years, and make it clear what¡¦s your purpose after four years of your
     college life.



Miller: I think that maybe I have a lot of things to learn about my college life for
     four years.



Neil:    Don¡¦t be worry.  The university is a place where you can develop your
      interest.  Cheer up and be positive toward your college life.  There are
     many wonderful things that are waiting for you to find.  Trust me.  You
     would be happy in your college life for four years.



Miller: I hope so.





By Alex, Hill, Neil, and Miller



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