
First, browse the following statements . Then, read "Parent- child Relationships." Write T for true and F for  false statements on the answer sheet.  

  1. According to the author, there are parents in the U.S. who fail to train their children in self- discipline because fathers do not take their positions as a parental authority. 

  3. If the father does not fulfill his parental duty, neither father nor child will feel happy. 

  5. The family becomes upside-down because the mother starts to control the family with her emotion. 

  7. If we plan to discipline our children, we had better use positive statements to treat our children. 

  9. Children will lose their direction in life if their parents do not know how to train the children on a consistent basis. 

  11. According to the author's observation,  American parents often lose their tempers when their children ask them some tedious questions. 

  13. The main idea of the last paragraph focuses on how important it is to establish good relationships between parents and their children. 

  15. In the first paragraph, the author gives us very clear instructions on how to train our children's discipline. 

  17. People start to learn self discipline when they become adolescents. 

  19. If parents hope to have a good relationship with their children, they should be flexible and be nice to their children.