Exercise 1, Unit 5


This is a short-answer question exercise.  To complete the exercise, please look for the answer in the text of "A Brief History of Classical Music."  Then, use the key words in the text that answer each question as your answer.  Sometimes, you are required to explain the meaning of a term.  This type of questions actually requires you to show your ability in finding the definition in context.  You, therefore, also find the definition in the text and use it as an answer to the question.  Please note that answers are accepted in the form of key words only, not sentences. []


  1. What is probably the most distinctive feature of Baroque music?

  3. During which period did fugue develop to its best?

  5. What are the approximate dates of the classical era in music?

  7. What did the Classics try to recapture in music throughout the Renaissance period?

  9. What are the characteristics of music of the classical era in terms of form and expression?

  11. Who is considered the greatest master of  Classical music?

  13. Who is the transition figure between Classical and Romantic periods?

  15. Is it true or false that Romantics are identified by their dates of birth?

  17. What musical instrument was in the Romantics' favor?

  19. Which two countries does the write take for example of secondary nations whose artists tried to "use folk melodies, folk elements, and story-lines from the mythos of the people" in their music?

  21. What is polytonality?

  23. What is the characteristic of aleatory techniques?

  25. Who created the twelve tone scales that are considered an essential element of the Twentieth century music?

  27. Whose music shows both the ideal of Romanticism and the return to Classicism?

  29. What is the only characteristic that can be used to unify the Twentieth century musicians?