
1. This word derives from "catch"; informal use      ADJ

catch // catches, catching, caught
     1 If you catch an animal or person, you capture them.       VB WITH OBJ

I went fishing and caught a nice little trout.
...a wild otter caught in a trap.
We can get six months in prison if they catch us.
     2  To catch an object which is moving through the air means to take hold of it or collect it while it is moving.
        VB WITH OBJ
`Catch,' said Howard. He threw the book over to her.
The wind caught her hat.
     3 If you catch someone doing something wrong or, you discover them doing it.   VB WITH OBJ
A gardener was sacked if he was caught smoking.
Don't let him catch you at it.
     4 If one object catches another one, it hits the other object with a lot of force.    VB WITH OBJ
The wave caught the trawler on her bow.
     5 If something catches on an object, it becomes trapped by it.       ERG VB
There was a bit of rabbit's fur caught on the fence.
He caught his fingers in the spokes of the wheel.
     6 If you catch a bus, train, or plane, you get on it to travel somewhere.    VB WITH OBJ
She caught a train to Boston.
     7 If you cannot catch something that someone has said, you do not manage to hear it.    VB WITH OBJ
She whispered something he could not catch.
     8 If something catches your interest, imagination, or attention, you notice it or become interested in it.   VB WITH OBJ
A poster caught her attention.
     9 If you are caught in a storm or other unpleasant situation, it happens when you cannot avoid its effects.
        PASSIVE VB WITH `in`
They were caught in an earthquake.
    10 If you catch a cold or a disease, you become ill with it.     VB WITH OBJ

    11 If something catches the light or if the light catches it, it reflects the light and looks bright or shiny.   VB WITH OBJ

The grass is sparkling where the sunlight catches small drops from the rain.
    12 A catch on a window or door is a device that fastens it.   COUNT N
He put his hand through the hole in the glass and released the catch.
    13 A catch is also a hidden problem or difficulty in a plan or course of action.       SING N
`There's a catch in this.'--`There's no catch, Gordon. I swear it.'