What is an adverb for?

How many different types of adverbs are there in English?

There are

(1) adverbs of manner (態度) which answer the question how.

For example: She teaches enthusiastically.    

(2) adverbs of degree (程度) which answer the question how much.

For example: She completely devotes herself to her students.

(3) adverbs of time (時間) which answer the question when.

For example: My father came home late last night. 

(4) adverbs of place (地方)which answer the question where.

For example: He went north for the


(5) adverbs of cause or purpose (因果) which answer the question why.

For example: He will therefore Mary to go through the financial crisis. 

(6) Adverbs of assertion (確定) which answer the question true or false

For example: She will surely pass the test.
