Unit Seven

Passive Voice



Q1. What is Passive Voice

Passive voice and active voice have similar meaning but different emphases.

For example: Most students hate grammar lessons.

(The focus is on the students.)

Grammar lessons are hated by most students. 

(The focus is on the grammar lessons.)

Q2. When is passive voice used?

When the subject is unknown or not important

For example: The man was killed last night.

(I don't know who killed the man.)

When the identity of the subject is clear form the context

For example: A meeting will be held on Friday.

(We can assume that the boss will hold it.)

When the subject is intentionally not to mentioned

 For example: The secret was told in the party.

(I know who told the secret, but I want to keep it as a secret.)

Q3. What else should we know about the passive voice?

"be + past participle (過去分詞) " is always needed in a

passive voice sentence.

Passive voice sentences can be formed with 8 different verb


They are

Simple Present (現在簡單)

Simple Past      (過去簡單)

Simple Future    (未來簡單)

Present Progressive (現在進行)

Past Progressive       (過去進行)

Present Perfect  (現在完成)

Past Perfect         (過去完成)

Future Perfect      (未來完成)