Commercial English
What is the course about?
Welcome to take the course APPLIED ENGLISH CONVERSATION!
By introducing key business concepts, the semester course is designed to help students develop their professional communication skills and become effective communicators in English. Based on real-life contexts, this course will provide dynamic, communicative content and offer TOEIC preparation practices, mainly focusing on listening strategies. Thus, texts selected from the business world are for students’ interest and accessibility. The scope of the topics is broad rather than specialized, such as Social & Cultural Awareness, Organization, Travel, Entertainment, Production, Marketing and Advertising, Trade and Performance.
Participating in discussion, presentation, role-plays, mini case studies, and team projects, students will practice spoken English through the functional settings; the purpose of all classroom activities is to provide students the target language in meaningful situations and to improve their competence in business skills.
Serving as a language proficiency preparation for Business world, the course will explore the TOEICR (Test of English for International Communication) Exam, too. A guided discovery approach to business vocabulary and expressions will lead students to a clearer understanding of the forms and structures of English.
You are expected to be an active member in the class—this is possible only if you are present. Thus, regular attendance, class participation, team performance, and learning attitude are very important for your grade and progress in English. Please make necessary preparation for weekly assigned topic; failure to do so will positively affect your academic performance. If you are absent, you are responsible for the material that we cover in the class. If you miss a day when you are scheduled to speak, you will receive an F on that assignment; there is no make-up assignments except for University approved excused absences. If you miss the program more than THREE times (excused or unexcused), you might not get the credits. For the classroom etiquette, please turn off all the electronic machines during the class time; any noises from those will interrupt the class procedure and this is impolite to your class!
Remember this – The best way to improve your English speaking ability is to talk, talk, and talk some more—to learn and/or for communication. Don't worry about making mistakes and don't forget that you will never learn to communicate in English if you keep your mouth closed! Please try your best to follow the course and enjoy your English learning as a process of movement, discovery, and communication!
May you have a happy new semester!