

John: Hey! Mary!

Mary : Hey ! John! What are you doing here?

John : I'm just  window shopping , and you ?

Mary : Me too , How is going ?

John : Cool ~ And you ? 

Mary :Nothing special. It been a long time haven't see you .

 John :It's really a very long time! Maybe we can going to do something .

 Mary : All right . Do you have any cool ideals?

 John : How about go to Jay's concert next Sunday?

 Mary : What's a surprise ! I can't believe that you have tickets.

 John : So it a ideal ?

 Mary : Hold on , Let me check my schedule. Damn ,I forgot , It's my boy friendˇ¦s birthday .

 John : Opus !So how about next Saturday ?

 Mary : It's ok !

 John : Well , how about go to see a movies that day ?

 Mary :Ok!

 John : So it's a deal .

 Mary : It's a deal , see you that day .

 John : See you .



