Textbook: Dr. 廖柏森(2006), The Handbook of research Papers Writing 英文研究論文寫作. Taipei: Jong Wen Books Co., 眾文圖書公司 Chapters to be covered: Unit I : Introduction and guidelines 論文研究方法與格式簡介 - Types and Formats of researches - Narrowing down the topics and hypothesis - Structure of "IMRD" (Classroom lecture) Unit II: Introduction of the research paper 緒論之格式與寫法 - General background information - Purpose and significance of your study - Sample research paper reading(Classroom lecture) Unit III: Literature Review 文獻探討之格式與寫法 - Why getting a literature review? - Citation - Practical sentence patterns in literature review - Sample reading(Classroom lecture) Unit IV :Methodology 研究方法之格式與寫法 - Participants and Instruments - Description - Sampling method and data collection procedure - Sample reading (Classroom lecture) Unit V: Results 量性與質性研究結果分析 -Research findings - Results of Quantitative and Qualitative research - Sample reading(Classroom lecture) - Graphics and charts - Sample reading (classroom lecture) Unit VI: Conclusion 研究結論 - Conclusion - Review of research findings - Sample reading (classroom lecture) - Limitations of the study - Sample reading (classroom lecture) Unit VII: Abstract 摘要之格式與寫法 - Overall structure guidelines - Sample reading (Classroom lecture) Unit VIII: References 參考書目之格式與寫法 - References in APA style - Sample reading (Classroom lecture) - References in MLA style - Sample reading ( Classroom lecture) |