週次 |
授課內容 |
授課方式(時數) |
課程主題 |
課程內容(教材/活動) |
課堂/面授 |
非同步線上 |
同步線上 |
Course Introduction / Paper Format / Technical Instruction 課程簡介/技術指導 |
群英網與Zoom實地操作練習 “Before the Llaw” |
1 |
Unit 1: <Reading to be aware of writing modes> 在閱讀中理解各種寫作技巧 1-1 Food Culture and Process Analysis 飲食文化 |
“The Quest For Pasta That Uses Less Water” Quiz 1 |
1 |
1-2 Crime Investigation and Informative Writing 犯罪偵查 |
“Words, Not Fidgets, May Reveal Truth” Quiz 2 |
1 |
1-3 Psychology and Argumentation I 心理學 |
“What Do Dreams Mean Whatever Your Bias Says” Quiz 3 Writing Exercise 1 |
3 |
1-4 Self-realization and Argumentation II
“When Self-Knowledge Is Only the Beginning” Quiz 4 |
3 |
2 |
1-5 Evolution and Persuasion
“For Evolution to Live, Darwinism Must Die” Quiz 5 |
1 |
1-6 Love Relationship and Comparison & Contrast 愛情 |
“In Most Species, Faithfulness Is a Fantasy” Quiz 6 |
1 |
Unit 2: <Reading by seeing plot, symbols and inter-text> 2-1 Narration: Characterization [Classroom] 理解故事情節、符號及內容2-1敘述文 |
“The Happy Prince” Quiz 7 |
1 |
Midterm Exam期中考 |
1.5 |
2-2 Movie and Reading Symbols電影和符號 |
Movie: Dust in the Wind “Taiwan’s Master Timekeeper’ Quiz 8 |
1.5 |
2-3 Narration: Interesting and Uninteresting Plot 敘述文:各各種故事情節 |
“The Birth, Rise, and Fall of Junitaki Township” Quiz 9 |
3 |
2-4 Family Relationship and Inter-text 家庭關係 |
“Oedipus the King”(Summary) “Town of Cats” Quiz 10 |
1.5 |
2-5 The Art of Mourning and Integrated Writing(2-5) 悼文和整合寫作 |
“A Cruel Country: Notes on mourning by Roland Barthes” “Judith Thurman on Barthes' Mourning Maman”(Podcast) Quiz 11 |
1.5 |
Unit 3: <Reading with applied skills> 運用技巧閱讀 3-1 Taking Notes and Summary 作筆記和整理大意 |
“St. Augustine and the Bullfight” “The Queen Bee” Writing Exercise 2 |
3 |
3-2 Summary and Paraphrase 整理大意和內容 |
“The Development of Protestantism” “The Impact of American Frontier” Writing Exercise 3
3 |
4 |
Unit 4: <Reading for in-depth information> 理解文章內涵概念 4-1 Food, Environment, and Worldwide Caution 食物,環境,和全球議題 |
“Buying Fish, With the Fish in Mind” Quiz 12
3 |
4-2 Tech Innovation: AI 科技發展:AI 人工智慧 |
“How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI” Quiz 13 |
3 |
Final Exam期末考 |
3 |
時數小計 |
15 |
21 |