英美學術論文溝通與寫作 (Anglo-American Academic Writing and Communication )




  Objectives Instruction Mode Requirements and Evaluation Policies

With English becoming more and more the working language in academic circles, there has been an increased need for Asian teachers to become familiar with Anglo-American communicating styles.  This course hopes to fill that need for Asian teachers wanting to communicate more easily with foreign colleagues as well as publish in English-language scholarly journals.


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able to:

·        Experience online learning (from student's perspective) and understand what it takes for a course to be successful; 

·        Communicate more comfortably in English;

·        Grasp the major differences between Asian and Anglo-American communications;

·        Understand the forms used for scholarly publication in English-language journals;

·        Option one: Have a paper prepared for submission for publication.

·        Option two: Prepare a series of four two-hour lectures in English in your specialty and a written course proposal.  If you'd like, you can video tape the lectures and burn them on CD like I do for this course OR you can just submit the written lectures.

目標: 本課結束後,學員應可以:

²         由學生角度了解線上學習的過程以及一門線上課程的成功要素;

²         更自在地用英語溝通;

²         了解英美式溝通和亞洲式溝通的主要差異;

²         了解英語期刊發表格式;

²         二選一 ── (1) 完成一篇準備投期刊發表的論文。

(2) 準備一系列四份兩小時的英語演講和一份英文課程介紹。你也可以考慮像我一樣把演講錄下來,燒錄成光碟,但只繳交書面的也可以。

Instruction Mode:

 1. Full-Scale distance-learning.  All the learning activities are conducted at Elite http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/aiedl/, with the exception of holding simultaneous discussion at MSN. 

2. Office Hours:  Marguerite Connor M: 3-6PM (?) at MSN; Teaching Assistant -to be announced.  If necessary, the TA can hold real office hours.    


1. 全網課 (a. 取讀教材、繳交作業與討論於群英網http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/aiedl/ b. 即時討論 MSN

2. 教師時間:Marguerite Connor M: 3-6PM (?) at MSN; 助教 -(再行宣佈);如需要,助教可以提供面對面指導。

Policies:  請注意

1.      As this is an on-line class, completing the assigned work on time is mandatory for success. You are not only responsible for yourselves, but you also have a responsibility to your classmates.  Therefore, if you fall behind for any reason, contact me immediately.  We can work things out, but not after the fact.  Through long experience, I've learned that teachers are sometimes the worst students!  J  But I'd like to think that this course may also serve to give you ideas for teaching your own distance courses in the future.  You will see how important staying up to schedule is!

本課既是網路課程,按時完成作業是成功的要素;本課既是寫作課程,你不僅需要對自己負責,還需要對你的同學(同仁)負責。所以,如果你必須要落後,請即刻與我連絡。我們可以事先安排,而不是事後補救。依據我多年的教學經驗,老師有時是最糟的學生。J 但是我希望本課同時可以讓你經驗以後你自己可能會教的線上課程;所以你會發現跟上進度有多重要!

2.      This course is a summer intensive course, which means that nine weeks' workload is equal to 18 weeks in a regular semester. 


3.      Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another person without acknowledging your source.  Please respect your sources, your audience and yourself and don't fall into this trap (I am a stickler for this).  If I catch a student cheating or committing plagiarism, you will fail the course and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline.  This includes copying other's homework.  We will be spending some time discussing American ideas of plagiarism as they are often at odds with the Chinese ideal of paper writing.  But for international publishing, this is a large concern.

抄襲 ──用別人的想法和文字而沒有顯示出處。請尊重你的資料來源,你的讀者以及你自己;不要掉入這個陷阱。這方面我是很重視的,如果你有任何抄襲現象,你會立刻被當掉,而且不能補救。同時,你也不能抄同學的作業。美國人對抄襲的看法和中國人寫論文的方式可能有些出入,這方面我們會花些時間討論的。但請注意,想要在國際學術界發表文章,抄襲要絕對避免。


4.      I have on-line office hours on MSN, but feel free to chat if you see me on-line.  If I'm "in" another class, I'll let you know.  And you can always reach me via e-mail if you have a problem, concern or question.

我有線上MSN 教師時間。但任何時候如果你在MSN 上看到我,歡迎來和我聊。如果我正在「上」另一門課,我會告訴你的。如果你對課程有任何問題、困難或憂慮,你絕對可以用email 和我連絡的。



This class consists of 100 point's worth of work.  Though this is a non-credit bearing course, it's good to have a grade so one can judge one's performance.  雖然本課沒有學分,有個評分標準可以讓學員了解自己的學習成果。


The 100 points of credit will be distributed as follows:

Graded papers:

First response 回應 I


Second response回應 II


Short video presentation. (midterm project) 錄影發表 (see wk 4)


Chat participation    線上討論



Option I


Revision of long paper 修改過的研究論文


Abstract  摘要


Query letter 詢問信



Option II


Lecture one ...演講一


Lecture two 演講二


Lecture three...演講三


Lecture four...演講四


Course proposal (1 page) 課程介紹




