進階英語發音:聽與說-(半網) (Advanced English Pronunciation::Listening and Speaking)



Course Description:

Most people think communicating in English involves with mainly the content of the message conveyed. Advanced pronunciation factors actually play a more important role helping to decode messages when listen to fluent English as well as being understood when speaking. College students’ English pronunciation has had problems since they were only taught the basics (segmental area) in the beginning of English learning. Their intelligibility (level of being understood) and the listening ability to decode native speakers’ English have been insufficient. Speed of the language is often on top of the difficulties. This course is designed to diagnose students’ pronunciation problems and introduce supra-segmental features of spoken English such as reduction, linking, stress, rhythm, …etc. so that students can correct their pronunciation and speak and listen as the way native speakers speak and listen. The pronunciation correction techniques and listening techniques will especially help those who wish to teach English language as a career. 


The Objectives:

This course enables students to:

1.      Examine their personal problems in the segmental area and supra-segmental area, and make corrections.

2.      Develop speaking ability with supra-segmental features of spoken English.

3.      Experience supra-segmental features of spoken English through listening to authentic material.

4.      Enhance listening comprehension of spoken English.

5.      Strengthen decoding techniques when listen to fluent English.

6.      Use supra-segmental features to enunciate like a native speaker.



1. 常常聽英語電視及網路上的旅遊餐飲等節目,以習慣正確之發音及速度。

2. 面授部份為本課程精髓,並隨堂修正輔導發音;若無法全程出席,請勿選課。


1. 網路聽力考試 20%

2. 期中口試 20%

3. 期末口頭報告 20%

4. 觀察作業  40%
