外國語文(進階觀光餐飲英文)-網 (Advanced English for Marketing & Advertising Professionals)


This course aims to help students who need to communicate with confidence and efficiency in English in the context of global marketing. You will be learning useful language, phrases, and vocabulary to improve your communication/presentation skills in English in different marketing/advertising situations.
Goals: This course is designed for students who intend to work in marketing and advertising. The course covers a range of skills and topics such as talking to clients, discussing advertising campaigns, establishing a marketing plan, and writing a press release. 

�X The essential responsibilities of those working in marketing and advertising departments will be discussed
�X Relevant vocabulary and communication skills such as telephoning, emailing, and giving presentations will be addressed
�X Specialist vocabulary relating to branding, market research, direct marketing, and public relations will also be introduced


�� 1.提供線上說明作業內容
�� 2.線上即時作業填答
�� 3.作業檔案上傳及下載
�� 4.線上測驗
�� 5.成績查詢
�� 6.其他做法(Voxopop online talk group 線上錄音作業)

�X      每週線上簽到及面授教學之出席與課堂參與: 12%
�X 2次分組線上討論: 10%
�X 4次聽力心得作業: 12%
�X 4次口說測驗語音作業: 12%
�X 4篇專題式寫作練習:12%
�X 4篇閱讀練習週記:12%
�X 期中考(分組專題):15%
�X 期末考(筆試):15%

�X 實體上課不得缺席,無故缺席者每次扣學期總分5分。
�X 作業未交逾期不得補交。作業抄襲、考試舞弊學期一律以零分計算,嚴重者送校方論處。
�X 學生將分組與教師或助教進行線上即時討論,學生須安裝JointNet軟體。約定分組線上討論不得無故缺席,無故缺席每次扣學期總分5分。
