課程文件檔下載 |
· 有計畫、按步就班地構思和寫作;
· 有信心用英文寫作表達自己;
· 用多種論說文體例寫作;
· 經由修正改寫過程改進寫作。
1. 請務必準時交作業︰As this is a on-line class completing the assigned work on time is mandatory for success. You are not only responsible for yourselves, but you also have a responsibility to your classmates, which is excellent preparation for "the real world". Therefore, if you fall behind for any reason, contact me immediately. We can work things out, but not after the fact.
2. 遲交的作業得零分;遲交的作文每週扣五分︰There are few excuses for a late paper. If you are too ill to e-mail it to me as a WORD document, see if you can get a friend to do it. Ditto the homework. Late homework will be marked, but not graded. It will be awarded a zero. Late papers will be marked down five points (i.e, from a 100 à 95) for each class they are late. These lost points can not be gained back.
3. 除了課堂的最後一篇作文,任何之前的作文都可以修改,以便改善成績。You may rewrite all but the last paper to improve the grade. You must submit the original paper with my comments along with the rewrite. Rewrites must attempt to solve content and structure problems and not just focus on grammar and spelling. Correcting those alone will usually do nothing to bring up a grade considerably.
4. 不得抄襲!Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another person without acknowledging your source. Please respect your sources, your audience and yourself and don't fall into this trap (I am a stickler for this). If I catch a student cheating or committing plagiarism, you will fail the course and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline. This includes copying other's homework.