英文閱讀(一): 閱讀美國文化 (Reading American Culture (I))


Week 1  Course introduction 

Week 2  Introduction to the US Culture (readings/discussion/brief lecture)


Unit 1  The American Society: Class, Diversity, and Family

美國社會: 階級,多元性與家庭

Week 3  Class and Diversity in the American Melting Pot
(readings/discussion/brief lecture) 美國熔爐的階級與多元性

Week 4  Film: What's Cooking - Its Language and Issues

Week 5  Discussion of Film: What's Cooking in the American Dream?

Week 6  American Family and the Rise of the Individual
(readings/discussion/brief lecture)

Week 7  Film: My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Its Language and Issues

Week 8  Discussion of Film: Family and the American Identity

Week 9  Midterm


Unit 2  The United States of America in the 1960s


Week 10  The 1960s and American Culture: The Cultural Big Bang (readings/discussion/brief lecture) 美國文化的60年代

Week 11  American Civil Rights Movements: Race, Ethnic, and Women

(readings/discussion/brief lecture) 美國社會運動:種族、族裔與女性

Week 12  Bob Dylan, the Beat Generation, and the Counter-cultural Movement
(readings/discussion/brief lecture) 鮑伯狄倫、垮掉的一代與反主流文化運動

Week 13  Film: Crash - Its Language and Issues

Week 14  Discussion of Film: Race, Ethnic, and the Revival of the Spirit of the 1960s


Unit 3  American Popular Culture


Week 15  Mass Entertainment in the Global Era: Film and TV
(readings/discussion/brief lecture)

Week 16  Popular Music
(readings/discussion/brief lecture) 流行音樂

Week 17  Group Report and Conclusion

Week 18  Final

