外國語文(進階觀光餐飲英文)-網 (Advanced English for Marketing & Advertising Professionals)


Advanced English for Food and Tourism Professionals is designed for students who plan to work in the field of food/beverage/tourism/hospitality entirely or partly in English. The principal aim of this course is to teach students to cope with input texts, i.e., listening and reading, in the discipline. Students will also be expected to produce output texts in speech and writing throughout the course. The course will be lectured in English. Students are expected to be competent English users, having reasonable control of the language to participate the class.


On successful completion of this course, students will be able to

§  understand and take effective notes on extended lectures

§  follow the argument and identify the speaker’s point of view

§  participate effectively in a variety of realistic situations, from seminars to presentations (develop an argument and use stance markers)

§  understand a wide range of texts, from academic textbooks to Internet articles (analyze complex sentences and identify the writer’s stance)



þ 1.提供線上課程主要及補充教材

þ 2.提供線上非同步教學

þ 3.有線上教師或線上助教

þ 4.提供面授教學,次數:4次,總時數:8小時

þ 5.提供線上同步教學,次數:6次,總時數:12小時

þ 6.其它:(請說明)Voxopop e-larning 線上錄音系統



§  每週線上簽到及面授教學之出席與課堂參與: 12%

§  2次分組線上討論: 10%

§  4次聽力心得作業: 12%

§  4次口說測驗語音作業: 12%

§  4篇專題式寫作練習:12%

§  4篇閱讀練習週記:12%

§  期中考(分組專題)15%

§  期末考(筆試)15%



§  實體上課不得缺席,無故缺席者每次扣學期總分5分。

§  作業未交逾期不得補交。作業抄襲、考試舞弊學期一律以零分計算,嚴重者送校方論處。

§  學生將分組與教師或助教進行線上即時討論,學生須安裝JointNet軟體。約定分組線上討論不得無故缺席,無故缺席每次扣學期總分5分。

