

Rose: I love you, Jack.

Jack: _________ you do that.
Don't you say your g______. Not yet.
Do you understand me?

Rose: I'm so _______.

Jack: Listen, Rose.
You are going to get out of here.
You are going to ______ _________…
.and you are going to make lots of b____.
.And you are going to watch them g____.
You are going to die an old lady… w____ in her bed…
Not here… Not this night… Not like this.
.Do you u_________ me?

Rose: I can't feel my b_____.

Jack: Winning that t_______ was the best thing that ever happened to me.
.It b_______ me to you.
And I'm t________ for that, Rose.I'm thankful.
You must … you must do me this honor.
You must p____ me… that you'll s_____.
That you won't g____ up…
No mater w_____ h_______.
No matter how hopeless… Promise me now, Rose. And never let ______ of that promise.

Rose: I promise.

Jack: Never let go.

Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.