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  English Expression Chinese Meaning
26. Just get him some coffee. Tell him how I save your ass everyday. 給他倒杯咖啡陪他哈啦一下.
27. Time horizon 剩餘時間
28. Look for clues as to where the murder's gonna happen. 找找命案會發生的地方
29. Georgian running bond brick pattern.
Streamed line early Georgian details. Brick has been repointed.
30. The victims are pronounced here, the killer here. 被害人放在這,兇手在這.
31. Beyond that and the date of the crime, all we have to run on are the images that they produce. 除了姓名及作案日期外,我們只有由預見先知的腦波所產生的影像.
32. The precogs can see a murder four days out. 預見先知能在四天前預見兇案.
33. Why the late call? 為什麼這麼晚才知道?
34. With crimes of passion, there's no premeditation.
So, they show up late.
35. Most of our scrambles are flash events like this one.
flash events 突發的案子


36. We rarely see anything with premeditation anymore. People got the message. 預謀犯罪已經很少見了.
37. merry- go- ground 旋轉木馬
38. When will be flight time? When I drive, 3 minutes after wheels up. 飛行時間多久? 由我開,一旦直升機啟動,三分鐘就到.
39. Clear! 可以了! 出發!
40. mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime Division, I'm placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Mark and Donald Dubin that was to take place today, April 22 at 0800 hours and four minutes.  根據特區犯罪預防中心授權,你因為即將在四月22日早上8:04謀殺Sarah Mark和Donald Dubin 而被捕
41. Don't put that halo on me. 不要把頭銬戴在我頭上.
42. I'm officer Scott with the Precrime Trauma Response Unit. Just sit here a minute and listen to me. Your husband is being arrested by officers from precrimes. 我是犯罪中心傷害預防小組的史考特警官. 請坐好聽我的宣布. 妳先生已被犯罪預防中心警官逮補.
43. Precog déjà vu, if you will. They will see over and over again. 你可以稱他為前視影像, 預見先知會不斷重播這些暴力影像.
44. Erase the incoming. 把剩下的洗掉.
45. Homicide rate had reached epidemic proposition. We were given three precognitive. Every American can bank on the utter infallibility of this system, and to ensure that which keep us safe will also keep us free. Vote on the National Precrime Institute.  凶殺案件已達到最高峰, 經由三未預見先知的協助,希望國人支持這項制度於不墜, 為確保國人的安全及自由. 請投票支持國家犯罪預防局的成立.
46. I just need a little clarity. 給我ㄧ些醒腦的!
47. You want the customary clarity or the new and improved kind of clarity. 你要傳統的還是改良的新配方?
48. Don't bust my balls.
bust: to arrest or search for illegal drugs.
49. You only gave me four and some of these are duds. 你上次只給我四瓶其中還有些沒效.
50. Sides. I can use a little juice on my side. 選大邊的站,順便沾點好處.
51. overhead 頂頭燈
52. Danny Witwer- the observer from justice 司法部來的調查員叫Danny Witwer
53. Name is embedded in the grain of wood. 名字刻在木球上
54. I'm sure you all understand the legalistic drawback to precrime methodology.
drawback 缺失
55. I’m not with the A.C.L.U. on this. 我不贊成人權學會的看法.
56. We’re arresting individuals who have broken no law. 我們在逮捕未違法的人.
57. But they will. 他們現在不會, 未來會.
58. The commission of the crime itself is absolute metaphysics. 犯罪預防本身就屬形而上學是抽象而不具實質意義的.
59. a paradox 似是而非的
60. You’re talking about predetermination which happens all the time. The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn’t change the fact that it was going to happen. ! 你講的是必然性.它不會發生, 是你事先知道會發生而去阻止發生. 但如果沒有去事先阻止, 那麼一定會發生.
61. You ever get any false positives? 曾發生誤判嗎?
62. Precogs don’t see what you intend to do only what you will do. 預見先知看不到你內心的企圖; 他們只能看到外在環境將要發生的事.
63. Then why can’t they see rapes or assaults or suicides? Because of the nature of murder. 因為犯罪的本質, 所以對強暴或自殺這些與心靈有關的犯罪案件他們看不見.
64. There’s nothing more destructive to the metaphysical fabric that binds us under the untimely murder of one human being by another. 摧殘人類心靈友愛最甚者莫過人類的互相殘殺.
65. to chuckle 低聲笑
66. She developed the precogs, designed the system, and pioneered the interface. 她發展預見先知, 設計系統, 創新界面.
67. be accuse of tampering 會被指控干預辦案
68. A warrant 搜索令
69. You’re now operating under my supervision. 我現在是你上司.
70. It seems you’ve been left out of the loop. 你好像不暸解狀況.
71. No cleared for access. 不准進入.
72. Eye-dent 眼珠辨識
73. Approved for entry 允許進入
74. We’re to give him the run of the farm. 他只要例行檢查
75. The photo milk acts as both a nutrient supply and a liquid conductor. It enhances the images that each of them receive. 光子牛奶不僅供應營養, 也具有液態導體的功能. 它還能強化預見先知所接收到的影像更清楚.
76. We scan by way of optical tomography. White light pinpoints pulse along the entire length of the headgear and are reread after absorption into their brain tissue. In other words, we see what they see. We keep their heads well stocked with dopamine and endorphins. We maintain careful control over their serotonin levels. 我們用光學斷層攝影術做掃瞄; 白光指出頭盔內的脈動, 以便在吸收腦波後重新閱讀. 換句話說, 我們見其所見. 我們在他們的腦裡灌滿dopamine endorphins. 我們小心維護及控制他們的serotonin的含量.
77. It’s better if you don’t think of them as human. Precogs are pattern recognition filters. That’s all. 最好不要把他們看作人類. 預見先知只是型態辨識篩選器!
78. No they’re much more than that. Science has stolen most of our miracles. In a way, they give us hope of the existence of the divine. I find it’s interesting that some people have begun to deify the precogs. You call this room a temple. The oracle isn’t where the power is.  Power has always been with the priests, even if they had to invent the oracle. If there’s a flaw, it’s human. It always is. 但預見先知所為已勝過這些. 科學使神蹟蕩然無存. 但預見先知讓我們對上帝的存在重燃希望. 有人已開始將他們當做神. 你稱此為上帝的殿, 但卻沒有神, 也沒有神喻. 神喻本來自祭司, 如今祭司也在假造神喻.
79. seminary 神學院





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