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[Meaning in Context] [Word Form] [College Life] [Movies]

Breaking Ice
About you:
¡@ Your Name, Chinese Name, English Name if required by your English
¡@ Your major or department at the university
¡@ Your hometown, family and high school
¡@ Your hobbies: video game, cell phone, internet surfing, films, concert, sports,
¡@ Your future or career i.e. a translator, an interpreter, a language teacher, a
 diplomat, a businessman, an information engineer, a chemist, a gene
 researcher, and many others.
About the university and your study:
¡@ Ask a list of questions that a newcomer like you might ask. Share your
 questions with your classmates or group members.
¡@ As a newcomer at the university, the difficult things might be for you:
¡@ ¡@ Finding a place to live
¡@ ¡@ Finding stores i.e. finding the cheapest stores for school and kitchen supplies
¡@ ¡@ Finding places to eat
¡@ ¡@ Meeting people i.e. professors and classmates
¡@ ¡@ Finding places to exercise or play sports
¡@ ¡@ Getting around to see the sights
¡@ ¡@ Using public transportation (bus or MRT, subway)
¡@ ¡@ Knowing how to open a bank account
¡@ ¡@ Deciding courses to take
¡@ ¡@ Knowing teacher¡¦s requirements
¡@ ¡@ 0thers





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