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[Meaning in Context] [Word Form] [College Life] [Movies]

  English Expression Chinese Meaning
62. good off 混日子. 真混!
63. to his the cut- off man 給那個攪局的人一個教訓
64. Let's have some chatter on the field. 大聲加油阿!
65. We can kiss this game good-bye. 再見球賽
66. What a psycho. 真變態! 神經病!
67. eulogy: a writing in praise 頌辭
68. It's time to spill the beans. 說明真相的時候
69. If she hadn't caught that ball in the shop, you would be in the slammer. slammer: prison
70. I got a sandwich calling out my name. 我要吃三明治了
71. It's an outrage. 令人氣憤難平
72. Such an apathy! 這些人真是漠不關心
73. littered sidewalks 髒亂的人行道
74. pothole street 坑坑洞洞的街道
75. overworked teacher 常加班的老師
76. outdated textbook 過時的教材
77. A rally is being held by a new candidate for mayor. 另一位市長選舉人正在舉行選舉造勢大會
78. Viva: Long Live! 萬歲!
79. be qualified to do something 具備資格或能力
80. A vote for Perez a vote for Percaucus 救Percaucus投Perez一票
81. stage fright 怯場
82. You're starting to go down in the polls. 你的民調在下滑
83. I'm running unopposed. 我是一人競選
84. You're unavailable for comments. You're out of touch. 你總是不回應. 你對民意一無所知!
85. Good afternoon and welcome as WNKW of Percaucus brings you the first debate of this mayor campaign. His honor, Thomas Harrison, has been mayor of Percaucus for over two decades. For many citizens, he is Percaucus. 13- year- old challenger, Hazel Perez is an honor student at Alexander Halmilton Junior high school and a lifelong citizen of Percaucus.   午安! 歡迎收看WNKW電視台為您播出的第一次市長候選人辯論. 市長大人已經在本市就任20年了. 對市民而言,他就是伯科克. 13歲的挑戰者, Hazel Perez是AH國中的資優生,也是道地的在地人.
86. in my 22 years in office 在我任期22年內
87. Youth advisor 青少年顧問
88. It's an tempting offer. 這是一個充滿誘惑的工作機會
89. My sole purpose is nipping your campaign in the bud. 我唯一的目的就是摧毀你的競選活動
90. You're about to fail the history. 你的歷史快要不及格了!
91. 'You've had abysmal test scores. 你的考試分數糟透了!
92. You're grounded. 你被禁足了!
93. pirouette 芭蕾舞的旋轉舞姿
94. The coast is clear. 現在安全了!上!
95. You're the bee's knees.= You're famous. 你出名了!
96. I'm a nervous wreck. 我緊張死了!
97. Take her for moral support. 讓她做你的精神支柱吧!
98. Good gracious! 老天!
99. She has come to her senses. 她總算恢復心智了.
100. The wedding's off. 婚禮取消了.
101. I'm on the behalf of mayor. 本人謹代表市長致詞...
102. the key of the city 市鑰
103. Ado 無聊的事
104. Does the girl measure up to her mother? 她和她母親一樣傑出嗎?





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