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Sentence Structure Analysis
A second example is given below to help you understand the passage by analyzing the sentence structure. Note the sentence is a sentence not a paragraph although it contains 50 words.
The new weapons in the teenage arsenal (儲藏多種武器的軍火庫: 意謂有多種武器可供使用) of social cruelty include stealing each other’s screen names and sending inflammatory(煽動的; 挑撥的) messages to friends or to objects (事情) of someone’s affection, forwarding private material to people for whom it was never intended and anonymously posting derogatory (侮辱的) comments about students on Web journals called blogs.

At beginning, the main subject is stated in a phrase: the new weapons in the teenage arsenal of social cruelty. In such a phrase, weapons is the actual idea the author wants to convey. The weapons refers to “the internet” in this context. The purpose of the internet used by teenagers is as weapons to fight against social cruelty.  What are these weapons stored in the internet? “Include”  is the only main verb to indicate what these weapons are. Therefore, three objects followed after the transitive verb “include” reveal these weapons by using three gerunds: “stealing”, “forwarding”, and “posting”. About stealing, teenagers steal names to send false message or gossips on someone’s affairs. About forwarding, they forward private message to make it public to everyone. About posting, they insult and abuse fellow students on school website.


The new weapons in the teenage arsenal of social cruelty  include  stealing each

                                       Main Subject                                    Main Verb     

other's screen names and sending inflammatory messages to friends or objects of

    Object 1 
someone' s affection, forwarding private material to people for whom it was never
                                                                                           Object 2
intended, and anonymously posting derogatory comments  about students on  Web
comments about students on Web journals called blogs.
                                       Object 3
青少年對殘酷社會有許多新武器可使用包括盜用別人在網站上的名字然後寄給朋友挑撥是非的訊息或是對別人戀情的八卦,或者寄給不相干人士有隱私的信件, 或者以匿名方式公開在學校網頁上對某些學生辱罵.
So you see. In this case, many words convey important information in simple basic sentence structure rather than by compound or complex sentence. However, if you know how a sentence functions by analyzing its components, it costs you effortless to understand. On the other hand, if you read word by word and you cannot connect relationships of these words by their functions, a sentence like this is confusing and difficult to read.



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